Elevate Your Salt Spa Business: Discover the Path to $20k/Month!

Schedule a FREE one-on-one training where we'll share the strategies and tactics it takes to produce $20,000/mo in recurring revenue.

What you'll learn in This FREE one-on-one training:

Pricing and Packaging

Let's start by understanding our capacity. Then we can design the right pricing and packaging for a $20k/mo recurring business model.


Once we have the right pricing and packaging we have to focus on our sales process. We will share our framework with you on this call!


How do we get a steady flow of new potential customers walking through the door? This is the type of direct response marketing we will cover on the call.


What type of staffing model makes sense for a $20k/mo recurring business? We go over what the org chart should be at this stage of business as well.

Ready for the easy button?

Growing Your Spa Or Wellness Center Doesn't Have To Be So Hard!

At Offer Genius, we know that you want to be recognized for the great and healing wellness services you provide your community. In order to do that, you need to attract and retain a steady stream of clients. The problem is the overwhelming competition and noise in the market, which makes you feel lost and unheard.

We believe that every wellness center deserves to stand out and thrive. We understand the challenges you face, which is why we've honed our expertise in spa and wellness marketing.

Bullet list

Here's what you'll learn in this one-hour session:

  • We teach you how to understand your capacity and set up your pricing and packaging accordingly

  • We will cover the exact sales strategy we use to add 10+ new members each week at Salt Remedy

  • We provide real-life success stories and proven methods tailored for spas and wellness centers to attract new clients consistently.

So, register for our upcoming one-on-one training. And in the meantime, download our free guide on '5 Quick Wins to Increase Your Spa's Visibility'. So you can stop missing out on potential revenue and instead become the go-to wellness destination in your area.


Data 54+ Spas & Wellness Centers


Combined Years Of Experience In Local Business Growth


213 Monthly Paying Members In Our Spa


Results From $700,000+ in Advertising Year-To-Date

Secure Your Spa's Future

In the bustling wellness industry, standing still is not an option.

In the fast-paced wellness industry, every moment counts. Your vision for a bustling spa or wellness center is achievable, but inaction could mean watching potential clients choose your competitors.

The stakes are high: a static website or old-school marketing tactics can lead to lost revenue and a community that remains untapped.

Our one-on-one training offers you the keys to unlock an optimized client acquisition process, setting you apart and transforming website visitors into loyal patrons. Don't let the opportunity to secure your business's future pass you by. Join us to ensure your spa doesn't just survive but thrives in today's competitive landscape.

Your Coach

Josh Cherry

Owner: Salt Remedy & Offer Genius

Co Founder: Delta Life Fitness - a national, 75 unit franchise

Veteran: Helicopter pilot who served three tours

Grow Your Spa Or Wellness Center FASTER

Join us for a FREE One-Hour one-on-one training where we'll share the strategies that will help you secure your first $20k/mo in recurring revenue.

FREE Spa & Wellness Center Growth Training!

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(832) 376-6220