
AI for the Local Business

AI for the Local Business: It's Not as Daunting as You Might Think

September 05, 20234 min read

Struggling to grow? I know the feeling – you've been in the game for a few years now, putting in endless hours of hard work, and yet, your business growth seems to be slower than molasses.

Frustrating growth for local businesses

It's frustrating, isn't it? Especially when you see others in your field soaring to success, even if their quality doesn't quite match yours. You can't help but wonder – are there some secret tactics they're privy to? Is there a hidden recipe for faster growth? Well, I've got some good news for you: there just might be. And it's called AI.

Now, before you start feeling overwhelmed, let me reassure you – AI is not as daunting as it might seem. It's not some futuristic tech reserved for Silicon Valley giants. It's right here, right now, and it's closer to home than you think. AI, or artificial intelligence, isn't about robots taking over the world; it's about making your business smarter, more efficient, and more customer-centric.

Imagine having a virtual assistant that can analyze customer data, predict their preferences, and tailor your offerings accordingly. Think about how much time and guesswork that could save. Or how about using AI to automate repetitive tasks, like managing appointments or sending follow-up emails? That means more time for you to focus on what truly matters – delivering exceptional service.

AI virtual assistant for local businesses

Remember when email marketing first came on the scene? Those who jumped on board early witnessed a surge in business growth. The same goes for Google Ads and Facebook – they became game-changers for those who embraced them early on. AI is no different. It's the new wave of tech that can propel your business forward, and here's why you shouldn't shy away from it.

The question remains, how can YOU ride this wave to your advantage?

If your business isn't tech-centric (design, software, marketing, etc.), these AI tools might seem like a puzzle piece that doesn't quite fit. So, here's a glimpse into how we're using AI at Salt Remedy to simplify operations and woo new clients:

1. Creating images

Canva: The question remains, how can YOU ride this wave to your advantage?

If your business isn't tech-centric (design, software, marketing, etc.), these AI tools might seem like a puzzle piece that doesn't quite fit. So, here's a glimpse into how we're using AI at Salt Remedy to simplify operations and woo new clients:

And if you're looking for something fresh, give Dalle-E 2 a spin.

2. Spelling and punctuation

Grammarly: Grammarly's AI wizardry sniffs out and fixes spelling, grammar, and punctuation hiccups in your content. Trust me, this has been a lifesaver for us. Typos? Not anymore.

3. Project management

Asana: Asana employs AI to streamline projects, choreograph tasks, assign duties, and keep tabs on team progress. My buddy for almost a decade, Asana's kept my head clear and business rolling.

However, since bringing on employees it’s been critical to not only make sure that others are doing the same, but that I can check in on their progress and identify if the workload is just too much.

Now that AI has been introduced to the process, it’s like having an expert project manager watching all of the tasks for me.

4. Client satisfaction

SentiSum: AI crunches customer feedback, revealing the whys behind cancellations or love notes. This one's a powerhouse, albeit a tad pricey for most. But brace yourselves – AI solutions like this will soon be more wallet-friendly.

Until then, consider using Chat GPT to brainstorm how to reply to a hostile email or how to refine your customer experience.

5. Business/Marketing plans

LivePlan: LivePlan's AI muscle helps map out comprehensive business and marketing strategies. Honesty time – we don't use this tool.

However, one thing we commonly hear local businesses struggle with is knowing the best pricing and packaging for their services. So, for a better understanding of how to package and price your services, a tool like LivePlan might be a great option.

6. Scheduling more appointments

If I could only recommend one AI tool to grow your business faster it would definitely be some kind of chatbot to help you book appointments. Watch the video below to see why and how it can help your business.

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