
The Art of Setting Appointments: How We Booked 56% of Our Leads in 90 Days

The Art of Setting Appointments: How We Booked 56% of Our Leads in 90 Days

October 30, 20232 min read

Welcome back to our series on how we added 122 members in just 90 days. Today, we're diving into the often-overlooked art of setting appointments. You might be thinking, "Why not just send a self-booking link?" Well, let's unpack that.

A split screen showing one person struggling with a complicated booking form and another easily navigating a simple one.

The Self-Booking Myth

Recall from our previous blog that only 1-2% of people actually self-book. Sure, you might get a few more if you've built a rapport over the phone, but let's face it—once you send that link, many people think, "I'll do this when I have a moment."

The Indecision Decision

By sending a self-booking link, you're essentially granting permission for indecision. We all hesitate when it comes to decisions involving time or money. The problem? The longer we take, the less likely we are to make a decision at all.

a sand timer symbolizing that too much time leads to a lost sale or opportunity

Simplifying the Decision-Making Process

So, how do we make it easier for potential clients? Instead of asking open-ended questions like, "When would you like to come in?" start with more straightforward questions that are easy to answer:

  1. Morning or Afternoon?

  2. Tuesday or Wednesday?

  3. 10 AM or 1 PM?

By framing the questions this way, you help them think more clearly about their schedule. Plus, it makes your business appear busier and more professional.

The Numbers Game: What's a Healthy Booking Ratio?

You should aim to book at least 20% of the leads you receive weekly. For example, if 40 people inquire about your business, you should be able to book at least 8 appointments using this approach.

Our Data Speaks Volumes

We generated 791 leads and set 442 appointments—that's a 56% success rate—within just three months.

visualizing the conversion from 791 leads to 442 appointments

In Summary

  • Having a structured appointment-setting process opens up more opportunities than merely sending a link.

  • It's natural for people to hesitate when making decisions involving time or money.

  • Simplify the decision-making process by asking straightforward, binary questions.

Stay tuned for our next installment, where we'll delve deeper into the nuances of appointment setting. Trust us, there's more to it than meets the eye.

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